To enhance the well- being of America's Veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.
The bartenders do not handle Membership!
If you need help with your Membership, please call your Unit rep. That is Phil Krauss for Legion, Jeanette Darnell for Auxiliary and Pete Graham for the S.A.L. Go to the Contact page for their phone number or the phone number of the Unit commander to get help.
Post Closed
28 Nov Thanksgiving​
25 Dec Christmas
1 Jan New Years
What we do here!!!
The Honor Guard has done 48 event s this year.
Veteran Pinning Ceremony
Blood Drive
Columbia Schools Cash Bash
3000 Eggs for Community Easter Egg Hunt.
$300 Brooklyn Fire Dpt. Fire Pups Training
Four $1000 Scholarships Awarded
Memorial Day two free drinks for Veterans.
Flags for Napoleon Schools
$100 Knight of Columbus
$3000 Voluneer Appreciation Dinner
$100 Brooklyn Moose
$100 Lenawee County Sheriffs
$80 Shipping Deployed Vet
$1000 Halloween
Veteran Day two free drinks for Veterans
$3500 Kid's Christmas Party
$2000 Membership Giving
$2000 Brooklyn Food Pantry

From the Desk of the Commander
23 Feb 24
The Officers and Executive Committee both need your help. Post 315 has really come together over the past 5 years. Our membership is high, our events and fundraising are successful, and the membership seems to be happy. To continue down the path we are on requires good leadership and new ideas. We are holding elections across all 4 Units starting with nominations in March/April and voting in May. I am not sure of the other three Units By-Laws, but the Legion Officers take over 1 Jun. All Legion officer positions are up for grabs, but we have special needs at several of them.
Finance Officer: The best person for this position will have some type of financial background as an accountant or a business/project manager type but this does not preclude anyone from doing this position. There is nothing that is difficult about it and you have a bookkeeper that works for you to assist. Other jobs that the Finance Officer does are all licenses from the State to include raffles and liquor. We could sure use some help here.
Adjutant Officer: Our current Adjutant Greg Bone may be leaving as his wife and him are interested in doing some travel. He is not sure yet but if he does, that is another position that is vital. Most of his duties involve membership and meeting minute notes.
Along with these, the others are:
1st Vice
2nd Vice
Judge Advocate (currently vacant)
Chaplin (currently vacant)
Service Officer
Post Historian (currently vacant)
Please, we need help, and you could be that person that continues to make this Legion great!!!!
Seems like I always fall behind on updating this page and the others so I think that the first order of business is to see if anyone would like to volunteer to run the Web Site for us. Not hard to do and you can do it from home! Anybody interested please call me at 517-817-6247.
Queen of Hearts IV is doing very well. We are well ahead of the pace of QH I and are looking forward to widening the delta between the two as we move forward. Originally this was set up as a 6 Legion drawing, but 1 Legion dropped out approximately 3 weeks before the start and we have been looking for a 6th legion for this whole time. Every time we thought we had another it fell out, but we have now gotten our 6th Legion which is Post 557 out of Dexter. To those who not aware of how we divvy up the funds at the end, it is by percentage of ticket sales. Since Dexter has not sold any tickets yet, they have no claim on any current funds and will only have a claim once they sell. They are currently observing this week and hope to sell starting Sunday the 25th.to my knowledge, this is the first time that this many Legions have participated in a fund raising event.
Thank you,
Mark Young
Up Coming Events
November 16 Big Nasty Band 1900-2300hrs
November 30 Blues Festival 1800-2300hrs
December 7 Post Christmas Party 1700-2300hrs
December 14 Kids Christmas Party 1300-1500hrs
December 31 Post New Years Party 1900-0030hrs
Danny Moore Gun Raffle
Tickets on Sale soon!
22 Mar 25
Volunteer Opportunities
Friday Dinners:
Kenny Lausch 517-499-6386
Bob Stockton 517-206-8972
Building and Grounds
Dave Moore 517-592-6981
Ralph Long 517-474-7095
Queen of Hearts
Denny Vescilius 517-605-6561 Joann Kay 517-250-0326
Clean the Legion
Outside-Ralph Long 517-474-7095
Inside-Jodi Wilber 517-395-7081
Gun Raffles
Jason Lucas 734-394-8184
Kenny Lausch 517-499-6386
Queen of Hearts Volunteers Needed!!!!
As you know, the Queen of Hearts is a one of our fundraisers for fixing our building. We will restart the Queen in Feb 25 and always need volunteers
Please call Jo Ann Kay at 517-592-9469.